The difference between the concepts of punishment and education

Quite often, parents perceive the carrot and stick method as literally universal and apply it under any circumstances in relation to their child. This is the main problem of most parents.
In this article, you should analyze the main types of education.
1. Absolute love
In order to achieve full trust from a child and teach him to treat people correctly, you need not only just to feel love for the child, but also to show it in every possible way. The child should evaluate this feeling, understand the difference between appearance and reality. You should also forget such phrases as: "if you do this, I will not love you." This is perceived by the child as the price for such feelings. And as mentioned above, love must be absolute — i.e. priceless. It is necessary to teach both yourself and the child that you need to love unconditionally, but remember that the punishment should always be for something. Do not allow yourself to punish the child at the first opportunity. This is especially true of punishment for the purpose of "prevention". This will not only be of no use, but also in the future, when parents decide to punish the child for the case — he simply will not pay attention, will stop believing in the justice of the actions of his relatives.
2. Praise the child
Relative to this method, it must be said that it is necessary to praise in moderation and to the point. These are the main and integral principles of this method of education. This also applies to criticism of the child. If you need to praise a child, you should describe in detail why and why parents do it. If parents criticize a child — why is this happening and why it is impossible to act the way the child did.
Also, do not forget about physical contact — with praise, you should stroke the child or hug. For older children, a pat, a handshake is suitable.
3. Punishment
This concept should be analyzed in more detail. How do parents usually understand the method of punishment? In fact, only as a physical impact, in no other way. But they do not think about the fact that this method encourages humiliation and irritation and absolute misunderstanding in their child. Bullying is the only thing parents achieve by physically punishing their children.
Many parents should learn to feel the fine line between punishment and upbringing. How do you learn this?
It is necessary to accustom yourself, children under 2 years of age to praise and encourage more than to punish. This will create an association of correct behavior in the child and in the future he will behave in a way that is praised.
When a child is older than 2 years, it is necessary to show more and more firmness. To help, to direct somewhere in some situation, but do not forget that imposing your opinion on a child is taboo. At this age, the child develops independence, his own opinion and his own vision of the world. And he will not like it at all if someone criticizes or tries to break this opinion.
The punishment will be correct and effective if the child is restricted in his favorite entertainment: computer games, the Internet, walking with friends. It is also worth teaching the child to correct what he did wrong (to apologize, cleaning the room, etc.).
If you adhere to these methods and approach the child's upbringing correctly, then he will grow up to be a correct and reasonable person. Local de jogos Sapphirebet oferece a oportunidade dizer em máquinas de jogos por dinheiro real. Entre. Entre. Dê uma olhada nisso. Página Registre-se e aposte em event ao vivo/linha agora mesmo!